lundi 31 décembre 2012

2012's retrospective [ENG]

I try every year around new year to look behind and see whether or not I met all the objectives I had for the last year.
I'm affraid that even if 2012 was dense aeronautically speaking, I did less than 50% of what I expected. 
The good news I thing is that I probably done the hardest half of it with my ATPL. I got all the 14 exams with an average of 91%, which I have to admit, I'm a bit proud of...
Unfortunetly I didn't get the chance to fly in California, but to be honest I think I'm lucky enough to be able to fly in New-Zealand, so I'm not really upset about it. 
I would say that as last year and the year before, I didn't start my aerobatics rating, but I think 2013 will be the one!

2012 has been a really good year after all, the year of my first paragliding solo which was absolutely amazing. I also had bad moments far from my familly, my friend and my girlfriend, but I kept saying to my self "It worth it" and I hope it will!

The things I want to achieve in 2013 are:

- Get this aerobatic rating.
- Get all my flight test as first time pass.
- Get my paragliding licence
- GET A JOB at the end of 2013!
- And the most important.... Enjoy what I'm doing!

Happy new year!

3 commentaires:

Thomas M a dit…

Tu as bien raison de faire chaque année ce bilan de tes objectifs. C'est d'ailleurs ce que je fais et cela permet de se fixer des objectifs à atteindre.

Je te souhaite que 2013 soit aussi riche que 2012 et que tu puisses accomplir l'ensemble de tes souhaits.

Bonne année 2013.

Thomas M

Kuchi a dit…

Following your blog since several weeks even if I've never rated or commented your articles.
Glad you're still following your dream !

Enjoy 2013 !

Erwan a dit…

Bonne année à toi aussi Thomas! ;)

@Kuchi, enjoy 2013 too! ;)