mardi 7 mai 2013

IFR training

Nothing much to say these days, except that the training towards my CPL/IR still continues...

The last few weeks have been dedicated to IFR training either in a DA42 sim or in a C172 G1000, to learn the basics of IFR, ie, R/T, procedures, in flight managment... 

The last news is that the single engine phase is over. I've done my last IFR Cessna flight yesterday. I was flying with another cadet so we did a 5hrs flight. I flew from Hamilton to Whakatane for an Rnav approach, did a touch and go there, and flew to Gisborne for a VORDME approach. Then the other cadet flew from Gisborne to Napier and back to Hamilton. 

As the instructor said at the end of the flight, we felt like we had done a Sydney-Singapore...

The next few flights are going to be in the DA42 VFR to learn how to handle it in normal operations and with One Engine Inoperative (OEI), also called asymmetric flight.

The DA42 is a more complex aircraft with a lot of electronics, so the challenge in the first place will be to learn the systems, but also all the checklist and all the differents speeds. There are about 20 speeds to remember.

I reckon that, "Flaps up, Gear up", "Dead leg, Dead engine", "Approach flaps, commited to land", "Gear down, three greens" are going to be my new leitmotif.


8000ft, on top

1 commentaire:

Thomas M a dit…

Comme dirait l'autre, cela sent tout doucement la fin ...

Bonne continuation!

Thomas M